Online shopping is more advanced than the traditional shopping.
I think online shopping is more advanced than the traditional shopping. Instead of shopping in traditional way, such as going to an actual retail outlet, using telephone shopping or mail order catalogues, online shopping allows companies and consumers to make their business transactions over networked computers, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. without having to leave their homes or offices. Besides, consumers can also compare prices from a variety of different retailers with greater ease.Therefore, it's very convenient and time-efficient.
Online shopping is less reliable than the traditional shopping.
Although shopping online is very convenient,it is also full of threats of online fraud and unreliable delivery of products. I think online shopping is less reliable than traditional shopping.
In my opinion, there are many risks in online shopping. Take buying a shirt as an example. You can not try it on when you buy it online. Therefore, the color may be not the same with what you see on the web page, the size may be too large or too small. So, I don't think shopping online is reliable.