All right then! Imagine this weapon to be ten times stronger and the animal ten times more powerful, launch it at a speed of twenty miles per hour, multiply its mass times its velocity1, and you get just the collision we need to cause the specified catastrophe.
So, until information becomes more abundant, I plump for a sea unicorn of colossaldimensions,
no longer armed with a mere lance but with an actual spur, like ironclad frigates7 or those warships called 'rams,' whose mass and motor power it would possesssimultaneously.
This inexplicable phenomenon is thus explained away--unless it's something elseentirely, which, despite everything that has been sighted, studied, explored and experienced, is still possible!
These last words were cowardly of me; but as far as I could, I wanted to protect my professorial dignity and not lay myself open to laughter from the Americans, who when they do laugh, laugh raucously.
I had left myself a loophole. Yet deep down, I had accepted the existence of the monster.