You love that drunky "Oh baby, you're so beautiful"slurry thing he does when he's at the bar, or maybeeven that cute rendition of “I love you so muchyou're the best thing that ever happened to me,babe” while he slings his arm around you a little toohard.
I can see how his inebriated, sweaty proclamations of love can make you feel all warm inside.
Nikki, you must know this by now: You can't believe everything a guy says when he's drunk.
And take it from a former bad boy: "Bad Boys" are bad because they're troubled, as in havinglittle self-respect, lots of pent-up anger, loads of self-loathing, complete lack of faith in anykind of loving relationship, but yes, really cool clothes and often a great car.
Just the kind of guy for you, right, Nikki?
Disappointed, Greg
Ladies, don't let your desire to be loved and feel affection cloud your judgment (like a big tallglass of scotch) .
If you are lucky enough not to be dealing with the profound, painful problems of beingmarried to, living with, or born to, an alcoholic, and you just happen to be dating a guy thatyou notice drinks an awful lot, please beware.
Know you deserve not just an affectionate, attentive boyfriend, but you deserve anaffectionate, attentive, sober one.