For both the Babylonians and the Assyrians worshipped the sun and the moon, and also the stars.
On clear, warm nights, throughout the year and over centuries, they observed and recorded everything they saw in the skies.
And because they were intelligent, they noticed that the stars revolved1 in a regular way.
They soon learnt to recognize those that seemed fixed2 to the vault3 of heaven, reappearing each night in the same place.
And they saw shapes in the constellations4 and gave them names, just as we do when we speak of the Great Bear.
But the stars which seemed to move over the vault of heaven, now, say, towards the Great Bear, and now towards the Scales, were the ones that interested them most.
In those days people thought that the earth was a flat disk, and that the sky was a sort of hollow sphere cupped over the earth, that turned over it once each day.
So it must have seemed miraculous5 to them that,
although most of the stars stayed fixed to the heavens, some seemed, as it were, only loosely fastened, and able to move about.