But she had somehow gotten hold of the software well and was hooked.
"Now what I want to do is make a straight line with this formular, parallel to the y axis," she begins.
Schoenfeld is sitting next to her. She looks over him anxiously. "It's been five years since I did any of this."
She starts to fiddle with the program, typing in different numbers.
"Now, if I change the slope that way... minus 1... now what I mean to do is make the line goes straight."
As she types in numbers, the line on the screen changes. "Oops, that's not going to do it." She looks puzzled.
"What are you trying to do?" Schoenfeld asks.
"What I'm trying to do is make a straight line parallel to the y axis. What do I need to do here?
I think what I'm going to do is change this a little bit." She points at the place where the number for the y axis is.
"That was something I discover. That when you go from 1 to 2, there was a rather big change.
But now if you get way up there, you have to keep changing." This is Renee's "glorious misconception."
She's noticed the higher she makes the y axis coordinate, the steeper the line gets.
So she thinks that the key to making a vertical line is just making the y axis coordinate large enough.
"I guess 12 or even 13 could do it, maybe even as much as 15." She and Schoenfeld go back and forth.
She asks him questions. He prods too gently in the right direction. She keeps trying and trying, one approach after another.
At one point, she types in 20. The line gets a little steeper. She types in 40. The line gets steeper still.
"I see that there is a relationship there. As to why, it doesn't seem to make sense to me....
What if I do 80? If 40 gets me halfway, then 80 should get me all the way to the y axis. So just let's see what happens."