Unfortunately, transits of Venus, as they are known, are an irregular occurrence. They comein pairs eight years apart, but then are absent for a century or more, and there were none inHalley's lifetime. The next transit will be on June 8, 2004, with a second in 2012. There werenone in the twentieth century. But the idea simmered and when the next transit came due in1761, nearly two decades after Halley's death, the scientific world was ready—indeed, moreready than it had been for an astronomical event before.
With the instinct for ordeal that characterized the age, scientists set off for more than ahundred locations around the globe—to Siberia, China, South Africa, Indonesia, and the woodsof Wisconsin, among many others. France dispatched thirty-two observers, Britain eighteenmore, and still others set out from Sweden, Russia, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and elsewhere.