Don: Why?
Y: Penguins lay their eggs on hard surfaces nearcoastlines, or they might dig burrows if the soilpermits. And because they're optimized forswimming rather than walking, it's difficult forpenguins to gather a lot of soft nesting material. See the problem?
D: Hmm! the penguin lifestyle isn't exactlyeggshell-friendly.
Y: And that's not counting the nasty fights penguins can get into over things like space fortheir nests or burrows, and the stones that some species pile up around their nests if they're inthe open.
D: I bet all that hubbub isn't very good for eggs either. So do penguins lose more eggs thanother species?
Y: Actually, according to one study, only 2.6 percent of penguin eggs break from causes otherthan human interference or predators. That rate is similar to the rate in the rest of the birdworld, even including those birds that have cushy nests and never fight near their eggs.
D: So how do they do it? By producing thicker shells?
Y: Yep. Penguin eggshells are fifty percent thicker than expected for their size. But it isn't easyto produce thick egg shells. It requires a lot of calcium, more than female penguins normallyget in their diets.
D: And they can't just run to the store for a supplement.
Y: Nope. So in the period right before they lay eggs, female penguins eat a lot of mollusks.The clam and mussel shells in their stomachs slowly leach calcium which is then used to formeggshells. Incidentally, thicker shells also help prevent breakage for birds that lay eggs onrocks, and for ostriches and rheas.
不能。所以在企鵝產(chǎn)蛋前,雌企鵝會吃很多軟體動物,胃中的蚌和貝殼類會緩慢 過濾用于形成蛋殼的鈣。順便說一句,厚蛋殼還能避免企鵝在巖石上產(chǎn)蛋時蛋殼的破損,就像鴕鳥和美洲駝一樣。
D: I always did wonder about those ostriches.
burrow n. 洞穴
nasty adj. 險惡的
hubbub n. 吵鬧聲
supplement n. 增補
mollusk n. 軟體動物
leach v. 過濾