Daniel, the guy I've been seeing for two years, is amarried man. I didn't know it until we'd been seeingeach other for eight months. We've been livingtogether ever since. I love him with all my heart, butI'm getting sick and tired of being the "otherwoman."
Daniel is still supporting his wife, a meth addict, because he's worried she will end up on thestreet. Other than her phone calls and harassment, we are basically happy, but I want morefrom him. I want to be his wife. I want to have a future with him, but he's not moving towarddivorce. He says it's because his wife has property that belongs to him.
Daniel tells me he'd be lost without me, but I can't deal with much more of this. Any advice? -In Love and Hurting
Dear In Love:
Daniel should not leave things in limbo. He needs to talk to a lawyer about a legal separation sohe can continue to provide for his wife while working out the details of a divorce. If he isunwilling to proceed, it means he either values this disputed property more than hisrelationship with you, or he has no intention of changing his marital status, in which case,please get out of this mess while you can.