Non English-speaking students received some protection under the 14th Amendment's EqualProtection Clause, ratified in 1868, and over a hundred years later, in 1968, the BilingualEducation Act was created. It was the first official federal legislation recognizing the specificneeds of students with limited English-speaking ability.
It gave assistance to many local districts to establish bilingual education programs. Duringthe 1980s and 90s, Congress amended the Act several times, reflecting new challenges,changing priorities and new teaching techniques.
The issue was, and still is, hotly debated at the grass roots level, with children coming to ourschools speaking more than 200 languages. Congress continues to wrestle with the importantissue of how best to help students from non-English speaking families move into themainstream of American life. The Bilingual Education Act is clearly a work-in-progress, andrelated issues are likely to be found in the media and on the ballots for many years to come.