Narrow leafed campion (Silene stenophylla) is a smallplant whose modern relatives are found in easternRussia and northern Japan. It's a perennial speciesthat grows on stony cliffs or sandy shores. Once ayear, it produces five-petalled flowers that range in color from white to pink to lilac.
Russian scientists examining an ancient arctic squirrel burrow recovered ancient campion fruitsfrom the sediments. Curious to see if the fruits' seeds might germinate, they planted them.The seeds didn't grow, but the scientists weren't discouraged.
They knew an ancient sacred lotus dating back 1200 years had been restored. Why not thecampion? They decided to try growing a new plant from fruit tissue. It had been frozen allthose years, so some cells might be viable.
By bathing the fruit tissue in a culture solution with growth hormones, similar to a techniquecommonly used to start plants from cuttings, the scientists were able to restart cell divisionand get several plants to grow.
The plants not only flourished, they produced flowers. The flowers went on to produce fruit andseeds that were viable and germinated into a second generation of plants. The ancient campionwas given a second chance at life.
As the earth warms and more and more arctic permafrost melts, larger numbers of ancientplants will be exposed, giving us a chance to bring plants of the ancient past back to life. Andwho knows, one day we might resurrect a mammoth to eat them.