If, then, to meanest mariners, and renegades andcastaways, I shall hereafter ascribe high qualities,though dark; weave round them tragic graces; ifeven the most mournful, perchance the most abased,among them all, shall at times lift himself to theexalted mounts; if I shall touch that workman's armwith some ethereal light; if I shall spread arainbow over his disastrous set of sun; thenagainst all mortal critics bear me out in it, thou justSpirit of Equality, which hast spread one royalmantle of humanity over all my kind! Bear me outin it, thou great democratic God! who didst not refuse to the swart convict, Bunyan, thepale, poetic pearl; Thou who didst clothe with doubly hammered leaves of finest gold, thestumped and paupered arm of old Cervantes; Thou who didst pick up Andrew Jackson from thepebbles; who didst hurl him upon a war-horse; who didst thunder him higher than a throne!Thou who, in all Thy mighty, earthly marchings, ever cullest Thy selectest champions from thekingly commoners; bear me out in it, O God!