I am a professional matchmaker, and here's what I know:
1.Men fall in love with women who seem special, who seem different from the other women with whom they have been out. Make sure to differentiate yourself.
1. 男人愛與眾不同的女人。因此,確保自己看上去個性突出。
2.Men fall in love with women whom they are afraid to lose.
2. 男人愛他們擔心失去的女人。
3.Men fall in love with women who respect themselves and demand respect from a man. A man can smell, from a mile away, a woman who is lacking in self-respect.
3. 男人愛自重且要求獲得男人尊重的女人。男人從一英里外就能嗅到不自重的女人。
4.Men fall in love with women who are happy with themselves. Why would a man love you if you don't love yourself?
4. 男人愛對自己滿意的女人。如果你自己都不愛自己,男人為什么要愛你呢?
5.Men fall in love with women who pick "the right time" to have sex. When is the right time? It can be any time, but it should be a time when you know deep down that it's right and that he agrees. When a man likes you, he will not be looking to "lay" you; he will be looking to make love to you.
5. 男人愛會選擇“恰當時間”進行性愛的女人。什么時候才是恰當時間呢?任何時候都可能是恰當時間,只要你確實知道它很恰當而且他也同意。如果一個男人喜歡你,他就不會不理你,他很愿意“疼愛”你。
6.Men fall in love with women whom they will be proud to introduce to their friends and family. What does this mean? You can't be a basketcase, a girl who causes a scene or a girl who drinks too much. Why would he want to bring all that into his life?
6. 男人愛其引以自豪的女人,他們會向家人和朋友介紹她們。這是什么意思呢?你不能一無是處,只知道大吵大鬧或喝得爛醉。他怎么會把這樣的女孩帶進自己的生活中呢?
7.Men fall in love with women who doesn't make his life harder. Is it okay to play some games? Sure. Is it okay to give him a hard time sometimes to keep him on his toes? Of course. And is it okay to pick your spots to make a point? Sure. However, there is a difference between giving a guy a hard time and making his life hard.
7. 男人愛不會讓他的生活變得更艱難的女人??刹豢梢耘紶柕箅y一下他好讓他有機會獻獻殷勤?這當然可以啦。有時候沒事找事也是可以的嗎?這當然了。但是你要搞清楚故意為難一個人和讓他生活變得艱難的區(qū)別。
8.Men fall in love with women who are helpful and help them take care of things. A man wants to be with a woman who will be a partner and help him get out of jams, help him think of things he forgot to remember, and help him improve his life. Try to stay ahead of the curve. You know what your guy needs; help him get it.
8. 男人愛可以幫助他們照料事物的女人。一個男人想和一個能與他成為搭檔的女人在一起,她能幫助他擺脫困境,幫他想著他想不住的事情,幫他改善生活。盡力想在前、做在前。你知道你的那位需要什么,那就幫他實現(xiàn)吧。
9.Men fall in love with women who continually keep it interesting. No one wants to be with someone who is boring or who is always the same. Keep recreating an interesting you.
9. 男人愛有趣的女人。沒有人愿意和一個單調(diào)無聊的人生活在一起。你要不斷地制造樂趣才行