I can't believe the canyon is so to flash floods When it rains, all that water gets pounding down here and the level rises very fast. 這個峽谷是如此的狹小 突發(fā)的洪水 大雨過后 所有雨水匯聚于此 水位將迅速上升
Keep following this along.Flood is the most frequent nature disaster in Alabama, 跟著這個走 在阿拉巴馬 洪水是爆發(fā)頻率最高的自然災害
taking more lives and causing more damages than hurricanes and tornados combines. 其造成的傷亡人數和財產損失 比颶風與龍卷風二者之和還要高
Look all of this is flash flood.And this is why they're so dangous. 看 這都是山洪暴發(fā)造成的 山洪裹挾著無數重物
Just tons and tons of dead like this huge tree trunks pounding down stream. 危險無比 像這些巨大的樹干 常隨著洪峰 順流而下
Flash floods leave a trail of destruction in their path. 山洪流經之處 總會留下破壞的痕跡
Look, a lot of trash.And I shall use this sort of things. 好多垃圾啊 塑料泡沫之類的東西
Trying to build a raft.And that's gonna take me down the river much quicker,than try to do battle over all the rocks. 我打算做個筏子 這樣能提高我漂流的速度 還能避免一場與巖石的"斗爭"
I mean just look at all these.If I can find the right materials,a raft would save me time and energy. 你看看這些石頭 如果能找到合適的材料 造個筏子 就能省時省力
You see under the trunk a bit of plastic sheeting wedges there. 你看那個樹干底下 有一大塊的塑料布
That would be so useful for making a raft.The thing is this water is icy cold. 那東西簡直是 造筏子的絕佳材料 問題是 這河水 寒冷徹骨啊
In fact, look, you see across there?it's icy even on that branch you see that. 你看對面那里 那里都結冰了 看見了嗎