My mission is to show you how to survive in the after mouth of tropical storm. 我的任務就是向你展示 怎樣在熱帶風暴肆虐之后生存下來
China gets hit by more typhoons than in the other country on earth. 中國所遭受到的臺風襲擊 要比世界上的其他國家多得多
The southern part gets more quite often.The winds are access hundred miles an hour. 華南地區(qū)更是臺風頻發(fā)之地 臺風最大風速超過每小時數(shù)百英里
One storm dump over 3 foot of rain.Guess what,I'll arrive bang in the middle there.Here we go! 熱帶風暴帶來的降雨量可達3英尺 你猜怎么著 我剛好和一場熱帶風暴邂逅了 我們走著瞧吧
Typhoon Parma has already killed hundreds of people in the Philippines for making its way here accross South China sea. 臺風帕爾馬已經在菲律賓 奪走了上百條人命 然后所向披靡 跨過中國南海 到達這里
It was rain in the river just a bursting point. 傾盆大雨讓河堤快要崩塌了
The water level in this river is rising by 20 feet less than the day. 這條河的水位線 一天內上升了20英尺
with rivers in flat and mountians by the rainstroms staying alive in this wildness just get a whole loptoper. 由于河水泛濫 山體遭受大雨沖刷 讓求生變得難上加難
I'm already go for this!The truck gone.We need get into this. 我準備好了 跳 卡車已經開走了 我們得進入叢林當中
There's amount of rain in this water, it's gonna be arise fast.We want get up in this creek. 這里的水位會上升得很快 我們得盡快上岸
During the World WarⅡ the mountain here became refugee for communist guerrillas who were fighting the Japenese in this forgotten theatre of the War. 在二戰(zhàn)期間 這里的叢林曾是 共產黨游擊隊的根據(jù)地 他們就在 這個快被遺忘的陣地上與日軍頑強作戰(zhàn)
Jungles like this can be sanctuary or living nightmare. 這樣的熱帶叢林既可成為避難所 也會成為惡夢
Right now it feels like the second option. 在現(xiàn)在看來 答案更傾向于后者