顧炎武(1613—1682)本名繼坤,改名絳,字忠清;南都敗后,改炎武,字寧人,號亭林,自署蔣山俑,學者尊稱為亭林先生。漢族,南直隸蘇州府昆山(今屬江蘇)人 。明末清初著名的思想家、史學家、語言學家。與黃宗羲、王夫之并稱為明末清初三大儒。明季諸生,青年時發(fā)憤為經(jīng)世致用之學,并參加昆山抗清義軍,敗后漫游南北,曾十謁明陵,晚歲卒于曲沃??滴蹰g被舉鴻博,堅拒不就。其學以博學于文,行己有恥為主,合學與行、治學與經(jīng)世為一。著作繁多,以畢生心力所著為《日知錄》,另有《音學五書》、《亭林詩文集》等。學問淵博,于國家典制、郡邑掌故、天文儀象、河漕、兵農(nóng)及經(jīng)史百家、音韻訓詁之學,都有研究。晚年治經(jīng)重考證,開清代樸學風氣。其學以博學于文,行己有恥為主,合學與行、治學與經(jīng)世為一。詩多傷時感事之作。
《白下》 顧炎武
Ku Yen-wu
Fallen leaves, driven by the wind, invade Po-hsia;
Again I've come to this place, climbed up for a view.
A reed pipe clear, the moon bright—autumn lingers on the ramparts;
The wilds ablaze, cold stars emerge from the forest at night.
These ancient hills and streams must have a master,
But for years, with spears and armor, we've searched hard and long.
Let each of us fill our hands with New Pavilion tears(2)
And make the river rise at once ten fathoms full.
1. An important garrison town near the ancient Chien-K'ang, modern-day Nanking.
2. I.e., Hsin-t'ing, located in a suburb of Chien-k'ang, where the literati often gathered in the Six Dynasties period to lament the loss of North China to non-Chinese tribal peoples.