Chapter 6
Weeks later, Steve Rogers woke up in the medical bay on board the Helicarrier.
“Ugh . . . what hit me?” he asked.
“A prototype HYDRA super-agent,” Nick Fury said. “Multiple times.”
“Thanks for reminding me,” Steve said. “I suppose you're here with another mission?”
“No,” Fury began. “I'm here to make sure you're all right. You took a bad beating, Captain,” he said as he walked over and looked Steve in the eye. “And you used poor judgment. This isn't the same HYDRA you fought during World War II. This is a new-and-improved HYDRA. They adapted with the times. You didn't. Your mission . . . was a failure.”
Fury's words hurt almost as much as Steve's wounds. He's right, Steve thought. Steve had acted alone instead of accepting help. He'd thought his enemies were just like he was and fighting them would be just like it used to be. But he had been wrong.
“Thanks to the Super-Soldier Serum, you're going to be fine. You should be cleared to leave in another week or two.”
“A week? Or two? But what about HYDRA?” Steve asked.
“We've learned that HYDRA is going to make a move in five days—on the FOURTH OF JULY. You can watch the events from your hospital bed,” Fury said before leaving.
Steve thought long and hard about what Fury had told him. He wasn't about to let Black Widow, Falcon, and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. go up against Zola and HYDRA without him.
But Steve was still uncomfortable in this modern world. He liked the things he knew: the old Times Square, black coffee, his 1942 Harley. If he was going to adjust to the modern world, he would need help, and Steve knew just where to turn. He checked himself out and left to find a friend.
A red-and-gold blur streaked across the New York skyline and came to a stop atop a glistening state-of-the-art skyscraper. Steve Rogers, with his dented shield slung across his back, walked across the roof and addressed the red-and-gold Super Hero who stood before him.
“Hello, Tony,” Steve said to the invincible Iron Man.
“Oh, hey, Cap,” Iron Man nonchalantly said as his faceplate lifted to reveal the handsome Tony Stark. “I didn't see you there. What's up?”
“Is it an avengers mission? ”
“Does fury need help with something?”
“Alien invasion?”
“Ramp aging robots?”
“Mole men?”
“Something stuck in his good eye?”
“It's not an Avengers mission, and Fury doesn't need help,” Steve said. “I do.” Tony's smiling face turned momentarily confused, and then Tony invited his fellow Avenger inside Stark Tower.
Steve explained everything that had happened in the past few weeks. No details were left out. When he was done, Tony let out a long sigh.
“So we're dealing with an army of high-tech super villains led by a dude older than you whose face is on a TV in his belly?”
“You forgot about the Techno-Disruptor, whatever that is . . . .” “Right. It's a device that can knock out and shut down specific technology,” Tony said.
Steve was shocked. “How do you know all that?”
“I'm a genius billionaire inventor. I know everything,” Tony said. “Plus, I hacked S.H.I.E.L.D.'s encrypted files last night. Anyway, we've got our work cut out for us. But if anyone can bring you into the twenty-first century, it's me.”
Tony continued. “Once we do that, then we'll do something about your horribly outdated wardrobe,” Tony added under his breath. “Then you can hit the town and do the jitterbug or whatever the craze was a hundred years ago.”
Steve stared at his clothes, unsure whether Tony was joking with him or insulting him.
Tony smiled. “Come on, Cap, let's go!”
During the next four days, Tony taught Steve everything he could about the modern world.
And all the while, Steve was getting stronger and healthier. Not only was he doing ten thousand sit-ups and push-ups again by the end of day three; he was also texting. Tony Stark was proud, though there was one major upgrade left.
Tony led Steve into a large room—that was part garage, part laboratory, and part man cave—but that wasn't what impressed Steve. The room was lined with new Iron Man armors, all in various stages of development. Tony couldn't help noticing Steve's reaction to all the suits.
“Cool, right?” Tony remarked. He walked over to Steve's 1942 Harley. “But we're here to discuss this ancient two-wheeled vehicle that may have, at one point, been called a motocycle.”
“Look, I've listened to you on everything else. Don't even try to talk me into a new bike!” Steve exclaimed.
“Do. Or do not. There is no try,” Tony said, much to Steve's confusion. “What? It's Yoda. Didn't we get to that? Never mind. You're getting a new ride, courtesy of me. Or do you want to have to jump onto another bus?”
Steve looked from his bike to Tony, then back to his bike. “What did you have in mind?” he asked.
A wicked smile flashed across Tony's face. “Two words,” he began, “space bike!”
Steve gulped. “All right,” he said. “But on one condition: you fix this first.”
“My pop made this,” Tony said. His father, Howard Stark, had crafted Steve's iconic shield. Tony looked at it and understood Steve's connection to the things from his past.
Then that mischievous smile came back to Tony's face. “These little dents? I can bang them out in no time. Then we fix your bike, get you back to the Helicarrier so you can stop HYDRA, and still have you home in time to watch the fireworks.”
“You want in?” Steve asked. “I could use the armored Avenger when I take on those super-agents.”
“Thanks, but I have to be in Europe by midnight. Reports are that Crimson Dynamo has been spotted near Italy—plus, I'd like some gelato for dessert.” And with that, the two heroes got back to work. It was going to be a long night.