Ian: It doesn't look like they have chicken tenders here.
Bob: Wait inside. I have to make a call.
Firefly: This is Firefly.
Bob: This is Bob Ho. I need help.
Larry: Yeah, so I get pretty good grades at this university. I'm top of the class. I don't like to brag, but, you know.
Farren: Bob, this is Larry.
Larry: Pleased to meet you, sir.
Bob: Let's get some food.
Farren: He goes to the university.
Ian: He's a poet. Isn't it cool?
Bob: It's rad. It's awesome. It's jiggy for shizzy. It's the bomb. Let's go.
Farren: Hey! How embarrassing.
Ian: You know, most people don't like me when they first meet me. But Larry did.
Bob: I have two words for you, Larry. Thirteen.
Nora: I have to go.
Bob: All right, Nora. Come on. You two stay at the table. No, no, no.I can't go in there.
Nora: Boys are pigs.
Bob: Careful.
Larry: And the lion jumped on me, and I killed him with my bare hands, and I saved the colonel's life.
Farren: You're brave.
Larry: Thanks.
Ian: How about this, Bob? The whole restaurant and the waitress sat Larry here. Isn't it great?
Farren: It's like it's fate or something.
Larry: Really, sir, we're just goofing around. Hey, Nora. Knock, knock.
Nora: Who's there?
Larry: Irish stew.
Nora: Irish stew who?
Larry: Irish stew in the name of the law.
Farren: Larry was telling me all about the university. It sounds great.
Larry: I'd be glad to give you a tour sometime.
Bob: When pigs fly.
Farren: It's not up to you. You're not my dad.
Bob: No, but I know that your mother hasn't completely lost her mind.
Farren: It's just a tour, Bob. It's not like he's asking me out on a date or anything. Are you?
Larry: No, it's just a friendly offer.
Farren: Even if it was a date, you still couldn't stop me.
Bob: What's your major, Larry?
Larry: English Lit.
Bob: Would you pass the soy sauce?
Larry: That way I get a background in the classics.
Bob: You speak Russian, Larry?
Farren: What's going on?
Larry: This is going to be painful.
Bob: You're right about that. Go, go, go. Maybe you'll write a poem about this. Goodbye, Larry.
Farren: Fine. He's too old for me.
Nora: Bob, I don't want to be a princess anymore. I want to be a cyborg.