1. crushed: 心煩意亂,消沉
Listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.(聽取批評意見,但不要被它擊垮。)
2. give him my word: 我對他許下了承諾,word在這里指諾言
He simply cannot be trusted to keep his word.(根本不能相信他會信守諾言。)
3. keep your promise: 信守承諾
4. follow your heart: 跟隨你的心,按照你的真實想法
And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.(最重要的,是要勇敢的去追隨你的心跟直覺。)
5. smug: 自鳴得意的; 自以為是的
I reckon she has good reason to feel smug.(我認為她洋洋得意必有其緣故。)
6. misread: 誤解,看錯
I had completely misread his intentions.(我完全誤解了他的意圖。)
7. rebound rate: 反彈率,這里的意思是說兩人吵架后很快會和好。
8. take the easy way out: 選擇最簡單而非最好的方式使自己擺脫困境