Common Mistake: Neglecting Your Neck
When you take care of your face, don't stop at the chin: The skin on your neck can be thinner and more sensitive than the skin on your face and just as prone to changes in pigment, elasticity, and texture―and, yes, to wrinkles.
A better way: When applying sunscreen to your face, keep going, covering your neck and even your chest. (Spread some on the backs of your hands, too―another vulnerable area.) "A separate neck cream is not necessary―these are marketing ploys," says Ole Henriksen, owner of the Ole Henriksen Face/Body Spa, in West Hollywood, California. Your day and night face moisturizers, as well as most treatment creams, should work just as well on your neck. But if you use products containing alpha hydroxy acids or retinols, do a spot-test first.