"Go ahead." Edward was still chuckling quietly.
Alice seemed to find nothing unusual in our embrace; she walked — almost danced, hermovements were so graceful — to the center of the room, where she folded herself sinuouslyonto the floor. Jasper, however, paused at the door, his expression a trifle shocked. He staredat Edward's face, and I wondered if he was tasting the atmosphere with his unusualsensitivity.
"It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share," Aliceannounced.
I stiffened for an instant, until I realized Edward was grinning — whether at her comment or myresponse, I couldn't tell.
"Sorry, I don't believe I have enough to spare," he replied, his arms holding me recklessly close.
"Actually," Jasper said, smiling despite himself as he walked into the room, "Alice says there'sgoing to be a real storm tonight, and Emmett wants to play ball. Are you game?"
The words were all common enough, but the context confused me. I gathered that Alice was abit more reliable than the weatherman, though.