But this insult is whittled down to a point only.' Butnow comes the greatest joke of the dream, Flask.While I was battering away at the pyramid, a sort ofbadger-haired old merman, with a hump on hisback, takes me by the shoulders, and slews meround. 'What are you 'bout?' says he. Slid! man, butI was frightened. Such a phiz! But, somehow, nextmoment I was over the fright. 'What am I about?'says I at last. 'And what business is that of yours, Ishould like to know, Mr. Humpback? Do you want akick?' By the lord, Flask, I had no sooner said that,than he turned round his stern to me, bent over, and dragging up a lot of seaweed he had for aclout--what do you think, I saw?--why thunder alive, man, his stern was stuck full ofmarlinspikes, with the points out. Says I on second thought, 'I guess I won't kick you, oldfellow.' 'Wise Stubb,' said he, 'wise Stubb;' and kept muttering it all the time, a sort of eatingof his own gums like a chimney hag. Seeing he wasn't going to stop saying over his 'wiseStubb, wise Stubb,' I thought I might as well fall to kicking the pyramid again. But I had onlyjust lifted my foot for it, when he roared out, 'Stop that kicking!' 'Halloa,' says I, 'what's thematter now, old fellow?' 'Look ye here,' says he; 'let's argue the insult. Captain Ahab kicked ye,didn't he?' 'Yes, he did,' says I--'right here it was.' 'Very good,' says he--'he used his ivory leg,didn't he?' 'Yes, he did,' says I. 'Well then,' says he, 'wise Stubb, what have you to complainof? Didn't he kick with right good will?