There were so many things then to talk about that I wanted to spew them out like a string of beads ... But something seemed to hold me back. Everything just swirled around in my head and I couldn't get the words out.
After this there were so many things I wanted to talk about, they should have poured out like a string of beads ... But I was tongue-tied, unable to put all I was thinking into words.
楊氏夫婦曾于1956年翻譯了魯迅先生的《故鄉(xiāng)》,在1980年又出版了修訂的譯本。此處所選片斷出現(xiàn)在小說中的“我”與童年時代的好友閏土在時隔二十余年后再次相見之時。在1956年的譯本中楊氏夫婦將“但又覺得被什么擋著似的”直譯為But something seemed to hold me back。這樣一來給讀者的印象是“我”覺得自己現(xiàn)在與閏土身份懸殊,潛意識里想與他保持距離。這無疑是對書中人物情感的一種不當闡釋,因為此句的上文中曾交待過,閏土要來的消息讓“我”興奮不已,一下子勾起對童年和故鄉(xiāng)美好的回憶。這里的“被什么擋著似的”指的是“我”多年后再見到閏土時有太多的話想說,一時卻又不知該說些什么才好。在修訂本中,楊氏夫婦在更深入理解原意的基礎之上用tongue-tied一詞,生動貼切地表達了人物真實的情感。由此可見,要想使譯文從內(nèi)容和情感上真正做到忠實,必須充分考慮語境的因素,在正確理解的基礎上妥帖地表達原文的意義與功能。