The Woman I Love 我愛的女人A few days later Mr Churchill came to see Edward at BuckinghamPalace.At first the King was quiet.Then he said:'This is my last night in England,Winston.I lovethis country.I wanted to be a modern,kind King.I wanted to change the world,but they stoppedme.And now I have to leave.'
It was ten o'clock.Edward stood up and walked over to the window.In the dark streets belowthere were hundreds of people.They were singing and calling his name:'Edward,Edward,we loveEdward!'they shouted.'Long live the King! Long live love!'
Suddenly the King turned to Mr Churchill.'Why is this happening to me,Winston?'he cried.'Whathave I done wrong?'
He sat down and put his head in his hands.There was a silence in the room,but through the openwindow came the shouting from the street.'Long live Edward! Long live love! Long live Edward!Long live love!'
Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King's arm.Edward looked up. 'Thank you,Winston,'he said. 'You were a good friend to me.'
'Thank you,Sir.And you were a good King.'
At ten o'clock the next morning the telephone rang in Edward's bedroom.
'They're ready for you now,Sir,'a voice said.
The King walked slowly down the stairs.In front of him there was an open door.The family werewaiting for him.His mother sat near the window,dressed in black.His brothers stood besideher.'How close they are!'the King thought.
On a small table in the centre of the room there was a piece of paper.Edward sat down and readthese words:
I,Edward the Eighth,King of Great Britain,King of India,King of Australia,King of NewZealand,King of Canada,King of Kenya,King of Nigeria,King of Bur-ma,King of Malaya,King ofSingapore,and King of thirty-two other countries,have today given the crown to my brotherGeorge.
God be with him and all his people.
10th December 1936.
Edward took a pen and wrote his name at the bottom of the page.Then he stood up and kissed hisbrother's hand.
'I never wanted this to happen,'George said.'This is the worst day of my life.'